Sunday, June 22, 2008

Joshua goes Fishing - and scores!

The boys had a fantastic time at the lake. I think Bruce would love to come up every summer and spend time there fishing. It was a dream come true.

Josh is the winner from fishing - he caught three - Bruce one, Doug and Brendon none. This is a picture of Josh's Lake Trout - 22 1/2 inches long - it had to be 24 inches to keep. So all we have is the picture.

This is Sunday - and they just got home. Uncle Doug is BBQ ing the greyling that Josh caught, Bruce's char, and Josh's char. Not that I will be eating them but everyone else is so excited.

Last night was Summer Solstice here - I went to the grocery store at 8:30 and you would have thought there was a huge party going on - it is awesome reading when I go to bed at 11 - without a light.

As you can tell we are having a great time. Tomorrow we will visit with my college friend - then Wednesday heading to Seward. So more pictures coming up.

Thanks for all the prayers - we are having a great time!

The Henrys
Bruce, Lori, Josh and Sarah

1 comment:

Jeannine said...

Wow! Looks like you're having a memorable summer. So many incredible things to see and do. Hope you have load more fun and the guys catch some more fish!
p.s. Do they need candles for those long dark months?...ha ha...couldn't resist! :o)